SEPTEMBER 4, 2023 -- Sept. 7: “Welcome Fall” 7:30 p.m. Ref. Ann Gilnack & Dan Posuniak Oct. 1: Semi-Annual Bake less/ Foodless Sale
Oct. 5: Boo to You, 7:30 p.m. Ref. Ann Gilnack & Priscilla Schmartz
Glastonbury Grange recently donated to the Killam & Bassette Farmstead in South Glastonbury. They suffered a large loss due to the recent heavy rain storms that flooded parts of town. We hope we have made, in a small way, a little help in their efforts to recover. We wish them well.
I know as I am writing this that I have received a 75 year certificate from National Grange. We will be presenting this to Doris Monaco at our September meeting. “Congratulations Doris”. We will have a brief Installation of Officers that evening and she will be installed as our Ceres.