MAY 2, 2023 -- May 2: Paint, Sip, Pizza & Raffles with WWL
May 9: Monthly Meeting
June 13: Monthly Meeting
July 11: Monthly Meeting
August 8: Monthly Meeting
Sept.10: Grange Fair: Noon - 4 pm September 12: Monthly Meeting
It’s been a busy winter and spring at the Norfield Grange. On January 10th the members took a field trip and held our meeting at a local restaurant BareBurger, Ridgefield (featuring bison, elk, beef, chicken and meatless options). In late January (the 28th) we held our annual Barn Dance & Dinner. The net proceeds of $450 were donated to the Weston Food Pantry and presented to two of the WFP Board members at our March meeting on the 16th. Our annual WHS Grange Scholarship process is under way with applications due by April 28th. Our monthly Paint, Sip & Pizza Nights (October-May) have been successful too. Each night is a fun, relaxing evening encouraging creative juices to flow - open to teens and adults painting side-by- side a monthly themed picture. The last PSP night of the season will be on May 2nd and jointly hosted with the WWL (Weston Women’s League) thanks to two members of both organizations suggesting we collaboratively host the event together and split the net proceeds.