July 5, 2019 -- The Public Relations committee is once again offering three contests for 2019, all with a deadline of October 1. It’s easy to participate. Let’s take a quick peek at each one.
1) Promote Your Grange Creative Video Contest: Create a video promoting your Grange. The video can be any length, and of any theme.
2) Best Cooperative Partnership Contest: An integral part of Grange public relations is partnering with other local groups and organizations. This could be a co-hosted event, a co-sponsorship of a project or initiative, a project to benefit or honor a group/organization, and so much more! Write a description of how your Grange has integrated/ utilized a Cooperative Partnership, and include a photo to accompany the description if appropriate.
3) Social Media Participation Contest: Create a Buzz about your Grange, its projects, activities and events by managing a proper Facebook or Twitter Page. This contest is open to all Community Granges. Pages must be active at any point within the period of November 1, 2018 – October 1, 2019.
All of the complete details, rules, and information for the contests can be found on the Connecticut State Grange website at www.CTStateGrange.org . Entries should be mailed to Robert Charbonneau, 102 Spring Street, Meriden CT 06451, or sent via e-mail to publicrelations@ctstategrange.org .