I hope that it has been an enjoyable winter season. The youth should be planning on participating in the bowl-a-thon that will be held on March 29, 2008. This will be held at Super Bowl Lanes in Plantsville. It will be held from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM, and the price is $14.00 per person, which includes shoes and the lanes, plus pizza and soda.
They are located at 1300 South Main Street, Plantsville with easy on and off of I-84. I saw that we had a large crowd last year and hope for a large attendance this year.
This time of year while in the house could be a great time to be working on any of the youth contests: Sign-A-Song, Public Speaking or the Scavenger Hunt. If anyone needs any help getting started in these contests please feel free to give me a call.
I am looking for youth between the ages of 14 to 29 who would like to open the National Grange in November at the National Session in Cromwell. I am especially looking for someone to play the piano. If any one is interested I will get the paperwork out to you so that it can be sent to the National Youth Director.
The National Grange also has the Youth Horizon Award which will allow two youth from each state to participate in the Youth Activity Days at National Session. Though any youth can come to the youth days these individuals get other perks for participating in the contest.
I will try to keep the youth advised of the contests that are open to them. All of the National contests can be found at the National Grange website www.nationalgrange.org.