NOVEMBER 5, 2014 -- The Connecticut State Grange Public Relations Committee offered 5 Contests in 2014. Judging for our contests was completed by rating each criteria on a 1 to 10 basis, and is anonymous through an online judging system. There were 11 judges (5 PR Committee members / 3 other Grange Members / 3 Non-Grange Members.) Here’s the winners —
1.) Promote Your Grange: Creative Video Contest
Create a video promoting your Grange of any length, and of any theme.
Winner: Ekonk Community Grange 125th Anniversary video created by William Sebastian
2.) Grange Micro-Promotion Contest
Promote the message of the Grange by writing a compelling promotion in less than 140 characters. Winner: Winchester Grange No. 74
3.) Show Off Your Grange Marketing Materials Contest
Granges are asked to submit one method that they use to publicize and promote their Grange. This could be a poster, brochure, booth at a community event, community service project, special event, etc. and write a brief description is applicable. Winner: Winchester Grange No. 74
4.) Best Cooperative Partnership Contest
An integral part of Grange public relations is partnering with other local groups and organizations. Granges were asked to write a description of how they integrated/utilized a Cooperative Partnership. Winner: Killingly Grange No. 112
5.) Social Media Participation Contest
Granges are automatically entered into this contest by effectively and actively managing a proper Facebook and/or Twitter Page.
Juniors: Ekonk Community Junior Grange No. 101
Pomona: (Tie) Central Pomona No. 1 and Quinebaug Pomona No. 2
Community: Note: Only one percentage point separated the first and second place winners.
1st Place: Wolcott; 2nd Place: Cheshire; 3rd Place: Winchester.
Pomona: Central Pomona No. 1
Community: Note: Again, Only one percentage point separated the first and second place winners.
1st Place: Winchester 2nd Place: Cannon 3rd Place: Meriden
All Granges with Facebook and/or Twitter Pages received a special participation certificate.
Ekonk Community Jr. Grange #101
Central Pomona #1
Quinebaug Pomona #2
Mt. County Pomona #4
New London Cty Pomona #6
Excelsior Pomona #7
Granby Grange #5
Cheshire Grange #23
Southington Grange #25
Meriden Grange #29
Whigville Grange #48
Eureka Grange #62
Winchester Grange #74
Hillstown Grange #87
Ekonk Comm. Grange #89
Ashford Grange #90
Taghhannuck Grange #100
Litchfield Grange #107
Killingly Grange #112
Beacon Grange #118
Bethlehem Grange #121
Greenfield Hill Grange #133
Prospect Grange #144
Norfield Grange #146
Lyme Grange #147
Cannon Grange #152
Riverton Grange #169
Norwich Grange #172
Wolcott Grange #173
Oxford Grange #194
Simsbury Grange #197
Groton Comm. Grange #213 |