May 3, 2022 -- May 1: Bakeless/Foodless Sale, Month of May
May 5: “May Day” - Memorial Service, 7:30 P.M., Ref. Desserts by All.
June 2: “Strawberry Time”, Election of Officers, 7:30 P.M., Ref. Kay Ruff April found Glastonbury Grange back meeting at the hall. It was good to see everyone. I sure hope this new virus is not going to set us back. For Grange Month we have done little. The display that we have in the Historical Society building since Feb. 1 will be coming down on April. 29th. The “banner” that we received from the State Grange has been hung up on the side of the Masonic Hall. It is very visible from the street on the north side of the building. The Glastonbury Citizen gave us good headlines in the April 7th edition. I wrote a “proclamation” and sent it in to the Town Council to see if they would give their blessing so that it can go into the Citizen next week. (Time will tell)
Sending Happy Easter wishes to all.