April 3, 2022 -- Apr. 6: Awards Night
Apr. 20: What Flower Is This?
May 4: Special Musical Entertainment (2 hr. Show) Public invited
May 18: Family Activities Program – Teacup Auction
We continue to meet on our regular schedule. Refreshments at our March 2nd meeting were in the form of a 16th birthday party for our member Gabriel LaPlante on his actual day. We had a successful take out corned beef dinner on March 12th. It was our first formal fund raiser in a couple of years. My thanks to the committee who spent that day and into the evening to make the event happen. On April 6th, we will honor Haley Falk, a young lady in Cheshire for her well known state-wide efforts in working with our veterans and handling their issues. Our guest speaker will be a member of the Cheshire Police Department bringing us all up to date with the goings-on in the department and they are dealing with the uptick in crimes in these changing times. A reception for Haley will follow. The meeting will be open to the public.
As mentioned previously, we have begun planning for our August Fair.