February 8, 2022 -- Feb. 11: Valentines
Feb. 26: Snow date for Feb. 11
A small but energetic group caroled around town on December
17. We ordinarily deliver fruit baskets at the same time; but due to help shortages at the store they were unable to get them ready in time. However, Master Robert Miner and his wife Cheree delivered them the next day. Our Christmas party was well attended, with fourteen youngsters receiving gifts from Santa and hearing the story “Yes, Virginia, There is A Santa Claus.” They were each presented with a Santa hat and a sparkly ornament for their tree. The happy laughter during refreshments gave proof that the gifts were much appreciated. We brought enjoyment to many needy families in town with our donation of gift cards from WalMart.
We hold only one meeting a month in January and February with a snow date set for the fourth Friday in case of inclement weather on the second Friday. If you are in a visiting mood, please come and see us. And if this COVID thing will just go away next time we will tell you all about jolly January.