September 2, 2021 -- Sept. 2: 7:30 p.m. Installation of Officers Refreshments by ALL
Oct. 2: Bakeless/Foodless Sale
Oct. 7: 7:30 p.m. Fall Harvest Refreshments: Herb and Ruth Grommeck
Oct. 16: Monte Carlo Whist 7:00 p.m. ????
Our SUMMER is flying by so fast. I hope everyone is enjoy their summer activities.
Children will be back in school very soon. Glastonbury Grange collected “backpacks” for the Glastonbury Social Service Department. They will be turned into the town on August 5th. Our August 5th meeting is our Annual Picnic. We will hold a brief business meeting at 6:00 p.m. followed by the picnic.
At our meeting we will have to decide if we are going to hold our Monte Carlo Whist card parties this year. They are scheduled to start on Oct. 16th. BUT the sounds of the Delta Virus increasing numbers does not sound good.
We have also been collecting “non-perishable” food items for the Social Service Department. They are not ready to receive them yet, so we will hold them until they say they can receive them. Probably mid-September or early October. More next month.