JUNE 17, 2020 -- Winchester Grange will be holding a "Virtual" Meeting on Tuesday, June 23rd, starting at 7:00 PM.
Winchester Grange Master/President Peter Keefe invites all of our members to attend and participate. As we have not met in awhile, we have business that needs to be conducted.
It is easy for everyone to attend. You don't need a computer, or even a smart phone - you can join in by just making a phone call. If you do choose to join in on your computer, iPad/tablet or smart phone, you have the option of joining us via video too. If you don't have a camera or microphone, please use the call-in method.
If you will be joining us please send a note to info@winchestergrange.org for the call-in number or instructions on how to connect, and the meeting access ID code.
We hope you will join us on Tuesday, June 23rd at 7:00 PM.