June 26, 2020 -- July 2: Meeting 7:30 p.m. “Pilgrim’s Pride” (we have 3 descendants) Ref: pot luck desserts
Aug. 6: Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Short business meeting followed by our annual picnic
We are still observing the Coronavirus shut-down. The Grange has been in touch with our membership. Checking in to see how everyone is doing.
Hopefully we will be able to meet by August for our annual picnic.
As I am writing this it is a beautiful morning with the sun shining, but it is cold. I had to cover my new plantings as there was frost around. I had 36 deg. so things did not freeze.
Glastonbury Grange wishes all a nice summer and also a SAFE summer. Remember to wear your mask. Hope to see you all in at least July or August.