February 26, 2020 -- March 7: Taghhannuck Grange, 4:00 P.M.
Mountain Laurel Pomona was finally able to meet on the first Sunday of January after two postponements. Even the January meeting was threatened by a last minute location change! Just a couple of days before the meeting was scheduled to be held at Winchester Grange, a problem was discovered with their boiler which resulted in shutting down the heating system while a part was ordered and installed... a day after the Pomona meeting.
Riverton Grange rose to the occasion and graciously agreed to host the meeting at their hall. Word was spread by mouth, email, phone call and by any other means necessary. In the end there was a good attendance for the meeting and a great deal of delayed work was accomplished.
Craig Leifert was finally installed as a member of the Executive Committee for the Constitutional term of three years. State Executive Committee member Phil Prelli and State Secretary Todd Gelineau explained the status of the Pomona incorporations. Due to the extensive changes recommended by the State Grange attornies, each Pomona will have to work on and adopt an entirely new set of by-laws (vote at the March meeting) that conform to the requirements of the State of Connecticut and the IRS.
The Pomona discussed our lack of an annual Handbook. Material has been received from nearly all of the Granges in the Pomona and it was voted to print a 2020 Mountain Laurel Pomona Handbook. Instead of billing Granges for the cost of their books, this first edition will be paid for by the Pomona with the expectation that the Community Granges will be billed for their books when it comes time to print the 2021 books. So enjoy the free handbooks for 2020. These will be distributed to the Granges as soon as they are printed.