May 12, 2019 -- May 1: Open Meeting – Ballroom Dancing
May 15: CWA Program- Remembering the Circus
In March and Early April we did three fund raising dinners which were a big help for our treasury. They were two annual hiking club dinners and our corned beef and cabbage dinner. Our annual Cheshire Grange fair pre op is ongoing as are our Monday Craft Nights.
On April 3rd we honored Diane Calabro as our Community Citizen. She is the President of the Cheshire Historical Society. A total of 65 folks filled the hall. A reception followed put on by our CWA committee.
May 15th will be an open meeting by our CWA committee “Remembering the Circus” We will have a circus historian as our speaker and are looking forward to another big crowd at Cheshire Grange
We draped our charter for former fist lady of the Connecticut State Grange Sharyn Wetmore the wife of former State Master Duane Wetmore who died on April 9th.