November 10, 2018 -- Nov. 2: Holiday Super Prize Party & Bake Sale, Doors open at 6, Drawing at 7
Nov. 13: Remember, Potluck (6 P.M.)
Nov. 27: Turkey Stew, Ref. Bill & Betty Ahrens
Dec. 11: Noel ($5 Grab Bag), Ref. Women
By the time you are reading this, the annual Holiday Super Prize Party & Bake Sale may have already passed. If not, why not come up to Winchester Center and join in on the fun? The date is Nov. 2 with the doors opening at 6 and the drawing of tickets starts at 7. It's always a fun time.
Winchester Grange congratulates Master Peter Keefe on his appointment as General Deputy of the State Grange, Mary Lou Keefe was re-appointed as Pianist as was Terri Fassio as PR Co-Director, and Faith Quinlan was appointed Membership Director.
This correspondent was reelected State Secretary.