MAY 3, 2018 --
Hillstown Grange is holding a chili fest on Thursday, May 24th. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. for dinner featuring homemade chili, we will have plain and spicy for us heat lovers. Chili, drink and dessert; all for just a donation of $5. Bring a pot of chili and enter for cash prizes. We need chilies by 6:00 p.m. for enrty into the contest.
We will have a Patriotic program after dinner featuring music by Dave Barton. Dave is a local musician who will play some patriotic music along with taking requests and promises for a fun night of food and music.
Hillstown Grange is located at 617 Hills Street, East Hartford, CT. Located in the Hillstown corner of East Hartford, Glastonbury, and Manchester since 1888. The Grange is the oldest Agricultural group in the United States.