March 8, 2018 -- March 1: March Winds Ref. Robert and Doris Nordstrom
March 10: Monte Carlo Whist Card Party 7:00 p.m.
Apr. 5: April Showers - Skit Night
Apr. 14: Monte Carlo Whist Card Party 7:00 p.m.
Glastonbury members decided at our February 1st meeting to hold an OPEN MEETING/Open House at our April 5th meeting.
A letter has gone out to all our members asking for “HELP” from all. The secretary is asking all members to furnish names and addresses from “friends and/or relatives (prospective members) that an invitation can be sent out to inviting them to the April meeting. Hopefully we can gain at least 6 new members. Hopefully I am not thinking too high.
Our new banner that we received from National Grange hopefully can be put up on the outside of the hall. Dan, our Master, is going to ask permission from the Masons’ to put it up.
Now to think of some more ideas to add fun and interest to the evenings events.