SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 -- Hillstown Grange will be holding a Chili and soup harvest dinner on Thursday, September 25. Come enjoy our end of gardening season dinner and meeting.
Dinner starts at 6 p.m. at the Hillstown Grange Hall, 617 Hills St. East Hartford. An open meeting with the topic of ‘Closing up the garden and keeping the harvest’ follows the dinner at 7 p.m.
Dinner and meeting are free and open to the public.
The Grange is a rural family fraternity founded in 1867, the nation's oldest general farm organization. The Grange is comprised of families and individuals who share a common interest in community involvement, agriculture, and working together in a family environment and has been serving the Hillstown area of East Hartford, Manchester, and Glastonbury since 1888. New members welcome.
Next event on October 23rd is a Halloween Party starting at 7:00 pm. Free event. Open to all ages. Come in costume, prizes, games and refreshments.
For more information call Frank at 860-690-2845 or email: Visit us on the web at