Saturday, December 21, 2024

, CT, 06094

Grange News
September News from Cheshire Grange

By Ruel Miller

  SEPTEMBER 2016 --

Sept. 7: Installation of Officers. Pot luck at 6:30

Sept: 21: Fall Social. Open Meeting

Our annual picnic was held on July 20th at Marge Bernhardt’s home. We also drew up our programs for the coming year. Our craft nights continue when possible for the summer, making Christmas items for our shut in members and others. We had several entries in the State CWA judging at the end of July. We turned over many items to be sold at the NE Grange Building at the Big E.

Several of our members attended the NE Grange Lecturer’s conference in Bridgewater, Mass on August 1-3. Our annual fair was held at the end of August and was successful. Thanks to the many folks who had a part in it.  Our officers for the new year will be installed on September 7th by Jody Cameron and his team preceded by a pot luck supper.

159th Annual National Grange Convention

Tuesday, November 18, 2025

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